Thursday, October 29, 2009

Homecoming this Saturday!!!!!

Hey guys, it's been a while! Not a whole lot has been going on except for homecoming this Saturday. It better be good considering it's Halloween night. I'm not going to the game so I'm gonna have to have friends who are going keep me up to score. I really wish I could go, but I already made plans with my family. So they triumph over homecoming game.

I can tell today is gonna be a pretty decent day. I didn't have class is Statistics today so I get to catch up on my work study hours. And then what I'm gonna do for the rest of the day is a total mystery. I think I might go see my boyfriend but not for sure. But I definitely need to get started on my homework for statistics. It's not hard, it's probability but for going over one chapter in not even three hours, it builds up and can become overwhelming. But it'll be alright as long as I don't let it build up and do it day by day like we're supposed to do. Well talk to ya guys soon.

~Kirstin :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall Break!!!! and this block

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Fall break was awesome. I spent most of it here on campus but I made new friends and got lost driving around. We wound up lost in Rogersville. We had to stop and ask for directions at the Wal-Mart.

I had Computer as a Tool last block. It was a harder class then every made it out to be but I passed it with a B-. And this block, I have Elementary Statistics with Brewer. It's fairly easy. It's like a repeat of my high school math classes. So I'm pretty confident in passing this class with a breeze.

I'm also in the Hurley Society. This society is a group of twenty students thats supposed to have undecided majors. We all have four classes a year together and they give us the books for those four classes but we can also sign up for the books for our other classes. Like this block, I signed up for my stats book and they had one set aside for me. Saved me alot in book money. Well see you guys next time.


Friday, October 9, 2009

TC.. let's go!

To be dedicated means to set apart for, or devote to, a special purpose....
I am a Tusculum Pioneer cheerleader. I love cheerleading and have been a cheerleader for most of my life. I've found that being part of a team takes a lot of devotion and willingness. It's not easy to be on a team full of girls. The stereotypical cheerleader is said to be snotty and prude. Well that isn't me at all! I'm never caught up  in drama. I'm pretty much a social butterfly. I'm friends with everyone :) I don't like to get involved in the personal lives of others and I also don't want anyone nosing around in mine. So I lay low and pretty much stay neutral. I always try to be nice to everyone. Regardless of who they are. It makes life so much easier than being hateful all the time. Cheerleading is supposed to be a sport and activity that helps form a friendship between squad members and the team. You have to put forth a strong effort in all aspects of cheerleading and any sport for that matter. Staying out of drama, leading by example, and cheering your team to a victory: that is what cheerleading is all about! And that's what i do best. I cheer.

Jessica Kagias

The Confessions of Script Writer

   As the week draws to a close I can't believe that I still have three days left of Script Writing class.  I feel like if I make it through this class I can do anything.  This class if killing me! I don't mean to be so dramatic but if you are an English major, don't do it. The teachers are okay, but some times the students you have to put up with are a challenge.
   I have to say other than my terrible class, fall here at Tusculum college isn't going bad at all. The leaves changing are my favorite part.  I sit in the Admissions office at work study and can't help but look out the window and watch the wind blow them across the grass.
   As you can tell I am trying to stay positive despite the fact that I have had drama  all Block and can't wait until fall break.  The one kicker is we have to come back and then I have to face World Literature.  Maybe all that will entail is analysis rather than my teacher thinking I am a great novelist.
I am just going to have to count to ten and then think of the leaves.


Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hey it's Hannah. I haven't posted a blog in a while. I've been so stressed out. I'm in English 110 and as of right now I have a six page paper due tomorrow. Fun right? No. It's on relationships. Yeah, it's an easy prompt, but I have a job, workstudy, and class, so it's easy for me to get distracted with other things. I have two pages done so far. The only good thing about tomorrow is I don't have class. I have a conference with my teacher at 2:40 for twenty minutes. Atleast I get to sleep in, right? Something will probably come up and I will have to get up at six just like every other morning. School is so stressful for me right now. Work is wanting me full time. I have workstudy that I'm slacking in. I just don't know what to do. English is killing me!
I'm still not used to my morning class yet. I have to wake up at six thirty everyday. My last block was an afternoon class and I took it for granted. Now I wish I have an afternoon class again. ): Oh well. I'll write some more next week!
(: Hannah