Thursday, September 24, 2009

Block 2: Computer As A Tool

So far, block one went by decently fast and now we're into block 2. I have Computer as a Tool and it's not that exciting. We sit there and learn about a computer and its software. Like right now, we're learning all the shortcuts on Microsoft Office Word 2007 and honestly, it's not that hard to figure out without a professor telling you. I have the same software on my laptop and I breeze through finding things that others have no idea even existed and he just talks on and on about the most simplistic things and your mind can't help but to wander onto different subjects.But our professor is pretty cool. He's kinda young so it's really different listening to him than it is any other professor. But he knows how to connect to us so he doesn't completely lose our attention.

My experience here at Tusculum so far has been exciting. Having a bat and trying to catch it on the 2nd floor of Katherine Hall the first night staying on campus was extremely exciting, all the friends I have made, and all the upcoming events that I cannot wait to attend. Like tonight, there's a football game but I have to head home for tonight so I have to miss that and living in Katherine Hall makes finding a parking spot on such nights a major headache. You leave campus for not even 5 minutes and you come back to a full parking lot and no where else to park without running the risk of getting a ticket so you have no choice but to go do something else until the event clears up enough for you to find somewhere to park. It's pretty exciting living on campus.


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