Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It has Been a While....

Hey guys, its Logan again. I know it has been a while since my last blog. I know that usually means that there is a lot to catch up on, if only this was true. My last two weeks have been spent deep in my Psychology book. I have either been reading and studying, or doing pages of research for a PowerPoint that I will turn into a paper in another week and a half. This doesn't sound like much fun, but we got to choose our topic; which I chose the childhood development of serial killers, so it has not been too bad. We had our first test in the class the other day, went into it expecting a horrible grade, but I came out with a "B".

On a more personal note, my slow pitch softball season has ended so I am stuck with nothing to do 'til the spring. But it is football season and Tennessee does look to be a decent team this year, just need to find a new quarterback. We also have our big cross town rivalry game this week, the annual East-West game. I'm hoping West can pull this one out. My Red Sox also made it to the playoffs despite playing as bad as you can at the end of the season. I just hope that they can turn it around, because no one wants to see the Yankees win again. That is all that is going on in my life as of now, I will try to not go as long between my post so you all can keep up with me from here on out.

- Logan

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