Friday, September 11, 2009


Hey everyone! I'm Jessica Kagias :) I'm a freshman cheerleader and an education major. I've only been a college student for three weeks, but so far it's been the most intriguing three weeks of my life. I'm enjoying it and beginning to see that things aren't as scary as I had imagined. I was so nervous about making such a huge transition.
I had so many questions and hardly any time for answers.

Would I be able to pass my classes?
Would I make friends?
Can I afford it?
Will I fit in?
What if I get homesick?
Is Tusculum the right college for me?

I have a close relationship with my mommy. I tell her everything and she's my best friend. Knowing that she had once experienced college herself, I approached her with my questions and she gave me the best advice possible. "You'll never know until you try it."

Obviously I made it and I'm still going strong. I stay too busy to be homesick. I've made so many friends and met so many new people, and I now know.. that Tusculum was the right choice.

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